“Dawn took me on a spiritual journey where she helped me strengthen and heal my inner spirit.” KM

Healing Services


    Shamanic Healing - Shamanism is an ancient collection of traditions based on the act of voluntarily accessing and connecting to non-ordinary states — or spirit realms — for wisdom and healing. The word "shaman" means spiritual healer or one that sees in the dark. Shamanic Healing can help you move forward after any traumatic event including Abuse, Accidents, Addictions, Divorce, Loss of loved one, Near Death Experiences, PTSD and more..


    Sound Meditation - Primordial Sound Meditation, or PSM, is a healing practice that allows us to experience inner calm and deep relaxation. For thousands of years, people have used meditation to move beyond the mind's busy activity and emotional turbulence into profound peace and expanded awareness.


    Healy Micro Current - The Healy is a Handheld Frequency Specific Microcurrent device that can improve health in all aspects by raising and balancing our own frequencies: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.


    Andaras carry a high vibration. They assist in clearing our energy field, so that we can see clearly how to move forward. While this experience is different for each individual, many people feel a profound sense of joy and clarity while holding an Andara or having one near. For me personally I feel strongly they’ve helped to heighten my intuition.